Ungalukku Oru Arputham Thevai

  • 2024
  • 1 Season
  • Rating 5

Bro.Gunalan's baby daughter was born with foot abnormality. He lost his hope in doctors. At this situation he came with his wife to Tabernacle of God and prayed for his baby daughter. Our Lord Jesus Christ heard the prayer and healed his baby daughter according to his faith.

  • Genres TALK SHOWS
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Episodes 13
1. Bro.Gunalan's Testimony
  • 5:57 mins
  • 2024-06-14
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Gunalan's baby daughter was born with foot abnormality. He lost his hope in doctors. At this situation he came with his wife to Tabernacle of God and prayed for his baby daughter. Our Lord Jesus Christ heard the prayer and healed his baby daughter according to his faith.

2. Sis.Juliet's Testimony
  • 04:46 mins
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Sis.Juliet from Madipakkam has been suffered from Arthritis for last 6 months. She has undergone many medical treatments but nothing has helped out for her healing. At this situation, she has watched our Miracle festival live program and prayed for her healing with our Bro. Mohan C Lazarus. Our Lord Jesus Christ heard her prayer and healed according to her faith.

3. Sis.Rachel's Testimony
  • 08:54 mins
  • 2024-06-28
  • all age
  • Subtitles
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Sis.Rachel was mentally tortured by impure spirits for a decade. No one was able to set her free from impure spirits. In this situation she came to nalumavadi, attended Jesus Redeems Ministries New year promise meeting and prayed for her deliverance. Holy God Jesus heard her prayer and setted free her completely from impure spirits according to her faith.

4. Bro.Edward's Testimony
  • 06:46 mins
  • 2024-07-05
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Edward and his wife both did not have children for more than a decade. Medical treatments did not help them. People reproached and humiliated them for not having children. In this situation, his wife took the commitment .to pray for the nation by fasting as said by Bro.Mohan C Lazarus in Come let's pray live program. By seeing her commitment, Our Lord Jesus blessed them with a beautiful girl

5. Bro.Samson's Testimony
  • 08:19 mins
  • 2024-07-12
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Samson was an alcoholic and chain smoker for more than 3 decades. Even after taking medical treatment he was unable to overcome addictions. In this situation his heart  was touched by God Jesus while he was listening to the preaching of Bro. Mohan C Lazarus in the  COME LET’S PRAY  live program. God Jesus redeemed him from  addictions according to his faith.

6. Sis.Kiruba's Testimony
  • 04:07 mins
  • 2024-07-19
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

For many long years Sis.kiruba has suffered from an incurable disorder called epilepsy. By doctors she was pushed to take medicines for lifelong. In this pitiful situation she prayed to God Jesus while Bro.Mohan C Lazarus was praying for everyone in the COME LET’S PRAY live program. God Jesus heard her prayer and healed her according to her faith.

7. Bro.Karuppasamy's Testimony
  • 04:29 mins
  • 2024-07-26
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Karuppasamy was a chain smoker, alcoholic and addicted to playing cards for 40 years. In such a situation he attended Jesus Redeems Ministries Miracle deliverance prayer meeting in Nalumavadi and prayed to Jesus to overcome these addictions. God Jesus heard his prayer and redeemed him from addictions.

8. Sis.Nandhini's Testimony
  • 05:25 mins
  • 2024-08-02
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Sis.Nandhini and her husband were childless for 9 years. Medical treatment did not help them. People humiliate her with words for not having any child. In this situation, they got a chance to meet and pray with Bro.Mohan C Lazarus. Our Lord Jesus heard their prayer and gifted them with a beautiful child according to their faith.

9. Bro.Praveen Kumar's Testimony
  • 05:05 mins
  • 2024-08-09
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Praveen Kumar was addicted to alcohol and tobacco for 20 years. In this situation he started to watch the COME LET'S PRAY Live program and prayed to Jesus for his deliverance. Our Lord Jesus heard his prayer and delivered him from addictions.

10. Sis.Vinny's Testimony
  • 06:30 mins
  • 2024-08-16
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Sis.Vinny was childless for 7 years. Medical treatments did not help them. In such situation they attended Jesus Redeems Ministries GENERATION BLESSING PRAYER in Nalumavadi. Our Lord Jesus heard their prayer and blessed them with a child.

11. Bro.Murugan's Testimony
  • 07:45 mins
  • 2024-08-23
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Murugan was a chainsmoker and alcoholic for 29 years. He was unable to overcome these addictions even after taking medical treatments. In such situation, he attended Jesus Redeems ministries prophetic prayer camp in Nalumavadi. Our lord Jesus heard their prayer and delivered him from the sinful habits.

12. Sis.Judith's Testimony
  • 7:07 mins
  • 2024-08-30
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Sis.Judith Pratheeba was childless for 19 years. Medical treatments did not help them. In this situation she watched the COME LET’S PRAY Live program and prayed.Our Lord Jesus heard their prayer and blessed them with a child.

13. Bro. Samidhurai's Testimony
  • 06:49 mins
  • 2024-09-06
  • all age
  • Audio Language TAMIL

Bro.Samidhurai was an alcoholic and a chainsmoker for 22 years, and also was addicted to tobacco. He shares his testimony how our God Jesus delivered him from all these addictions.

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